Camping For Beginners
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Feb 12, 2019
views (2289)
No matter who you are or how you grew up, many people get the urge to get away from it all for a little while. Disconnecting from everyday life and heading out into the wilderness can be a very relaxing and rewarding experience. However, without much experience in the outdoors, it can be daunting to take your first steps into the world of camping. There is so much equipment, so many campsites, and so many competing opinions. What is the first step?
5 common mistakes made by first-time campers
Everyone [...]
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Habit Stacking
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Jul 9, 2018
views (3172)
Ever heard of habit stacking? Well we had never heard of it either, but let me tell you it probably makes the most sense out of any self improvement guide I have ever heard of. Don't take our word for it at all, check out what James Clear had to say about it in his blog post. When your done reading the article here, go check out treh original to get some more links and even get his book. Take it away James
How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones
In 2007, researchers at Oxford Universit [...]
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Date Night
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
May 22, 2018
views (2414)
One of the most important things you will ever do in your married life, will be to regularly diarise in some great date nights with your significant other. Now this couple be a few hour of absolute bliss, yet at the same time could strike fear into the heart of many fearless men.
We are proud to bring you the other side of the story men... Written by a blogging mom who married an adventurous man. They have three young kids. She is loving the adventure of being a woman, wife and mother. Liezl. (All characte [...]
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The 45 Qualities Every True Leader Must Have
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Apr 10, 2018
views (2281)
The material we are presenting is designed for the study of the individual who aspires to become a leader. This is only one approach. There are hundreds of approaches, but it is believed that a careful analysis and application will enable an individual to become a leader. In short, every individual possesses inherent qualities that may be molded into leadership. Some find it more difficult to attain than others, but all leaders have one characteristic in common; the unalterable desire to become a leader.
T [...]
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Tigers in Africa
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Mar 19, 2018
views (2090)
When it comes to getting outside and adventuring, most of us agree that it’s more enjoyable with a solid group of friends. Our mate Phillip Hardy tells us of his latest adventure in the Zambezi Delta.
As the AVRO RJ85 airplane accelerated on the runway, to make its way back to Johannesburg, my fingers rubbed over the burn marks. "Unbelievable" I mumbled to myself as I sat in the cooled flying tin. But I wasn't alone. My buddy MB was in a similar situation. Our burns were quite simply going to be the [...]
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