Ten things every man should own
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Feb 21, 2017
views (1756)
Chatting to a friend the other day about what would be his list of ten things every man should own, we discovered how uniquely similar certain items were and how vastly different other things were. It boiled down to what our fathers found important and necessary to carry around. I suppose its really an age old tradition of father to son heritage. Now let's just get one thing clear, this list in not exhaustive, but its the stuff we are ORREN Lifestyle, thought would be essential for a healthy daily life. Bef [...]
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Meet the new you... possibly
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Dec 24, 2016
views (2567)
Right so first off lets get something clear and out of the way, lumber sexuality is not a new comfortable sex position. No way at all. In fact its a new coinage of man and his masculinity. But the two million dollar questions are... IS he real and is he me?
Lets talk about that for a minute.
So lumbersexual is actually a trend in men's attire, said to have emerged brawny and glistening from last decade's zeitgeist, with the blood of the Metrosexual on his hands, the Lumbersexual tempts us all with his big [...]
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Fancy an adventure… a microadventure?
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Nov 28, 2016
views (2142)
Adventure is a loose word that means different things to different people. It is a state of mind, a spirit of trying something new and leaving your comfort zone. Adventure is about enthusiasm, ambition, open-mindedness and curiosity.
I remember as a young lad reading books like The Hardy Boys and Swallows and Amazons, these book instilled this spirit of adventure in me. I loved the mystery, the almost mystic sense of belonging to something exciting and well… adventurous.
Most people enjoy adventure and wo [...]
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How to Get Rid of Beard Dandruff
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Oct 11, 2016
views (2122)
It can be hard enough trying to grow a nice full beard, then add into the mix problems like incessant itching when your whiskers start to collect dead skin. Those flaking pieces of dandruff are not only unsightly, the condition can get worse if you are not proactive about taking control of the problem today.
Before we discuss how to get rid of the dandruff, we need to discuss what causes this condition in the first place.
How Do You Get Beard Dandruff?
The exact cause of your facial hair dandruff can be [...]
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Growing a thicker beard
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Sept 23, 2016
views (1897)
Growing a thicker beard can be a challenge for many men for a variety of reasons. The problem for most men is that once the beard reaches a certain point, itchiness can become so out of control that they trim or shave the beard just to retain some sanity. Combine this with a poor diet and improper skin care techniques, the beard looks thin and weak to say the least.
Guys know that the beard is associated with masculinity, power, leadership, and wisdom, the thicker the beard the more respect it commands. He [...]
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