Why Moisturising for Men is important
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Aug 14, 2016
views (1811)
Why moisturising is important?
Did you know that your skin has a pretty good memory? It remembers everything that you do to it. As you age, the signs of damage soon start to show. That’s why many dermatologists recommend men start to use skincare products at an early an age as possible. The more you look after your skin, the better you will look. Moisturisers are designed to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh, soft and healthy. When it lacks moisture, your skin appears dull and it can lead to various [...]
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Beards & Business: How to tell your boss you’re growing a beard
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Aug 3, 2016
views (1980)
We’re in the middle of a Beard Revolution!
In recent years (at least since the 70s) men have been all but forced to remain completely shaven in the workplace. Beards have been looked down upon for creating the impression of “dishonesty and untrustworthiness”.
What a load of CROCK!
The very men that helped lay the foundation of this beautiful country were known to grow facial hair!
Fortunately more and more men are stepping up to the plate, growing some balls and growing their facial hair out. The result [...]
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Hello World
Posted by
Selwyn Orren
Jul 29, 2016
views (1935)
Hello World. Welcome to ORREN Lifestyle. Our brand new website for beards, grooming and manly lifestyle. We hope to be selling all things beard related, but not restricted to beards.
Back in the winter of '16, we had a vision for men, their life, their fashion, their homes, basically the man and his environment. We wanted men to change the way they see the world around them. Give them an expression of themselves which they could be proud of. At ORREN Lifestyle we are about fashion, gadgets, grooming and [...]
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